Are you a fan of thefactsabout? Do you use this website for expert information on cosmetic and personal care products? Whether you use thefactsabout for yourself or to help your business share reliable information with customers, you’ll be happy to see the new website!
New sections and navigation
If you were using the previous ‘What’s in my cosmetic?’ section, which was a resource of quick look-up references for those baffled by the technical terms and jargon, you can now find it in ‘A-Z of terms and ingredients’ which lets you search by product, term and ingredient as well as by letter, making it even easier to use.
Use the top menu bar on the homescreen to get access to helpful resources such as thefactsabout frequently asked questions, the current hot topics for the cosmetics industry, as well as ‘how to’ and experts’ insight videos all available in one place!
Fantastic new topics available!
As well as helpful advice, you can now learn even more with our brand-new pages! These include about sustainability and lifecycle information, the UK laws and regulations, manufacturing insights, new product specific information such as about beard oil and nail polish and interesting fun facts such as the history of cosmetic products.