Friday 30 April 2021, 13:00 BST
On Instagram: @TheCTPA, @bsfcharity and @anjalimahto
CTPA is delighted to announce that Consultant Dermatologist Dr Anjali Mahto will be joining CTPA and our Instagram followers for a live, interactive Q&A session. Dr Anjali is a spokesperson for the charity the British Skin Foundation (BSF), a charity which funds research into all types of skin diseases, including skin cancer. Dr Anjali will explain how we can best look after our skin in the sun, answering burning questions from our Instagram followers!
Come and join us to ask Dr Anjali anything you’ve ever wanted to know about how the sun’s rays affect your skin, how to protect your skin, how to integrate suncare into your daily skincare and make-up routine and much more. Questions can also be submitted beforehand through the questions sticker in the CTPA Instagram Stories or via our Twitter account.
Make sure you’re following @TheCTPA, @bsfcharity and @anjalimahto on Instagram.
For more information and simple steps to stay safe in the sun, take a look at the sunscreens section.