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Millions of people in the UK colour their hair every year, however research shows that three quarters of us won't carry out an Allergy Alert Test beforehand*.

Limited understanding of how allergy works could be driving this. Many people don't know that allergies build-up over time, so they don't realise how important it is to carry out an Allergy Alert Test every time they colour their hair, 48 hours in advance, even if they have used a product before.

Hair colorants are governed by strict safety legislation and are perfectly safe to use when the instructions are followed carefully. An Allergy Alert Test will allow you to identify whether you are sensitive to the product and whether you could face an unexpected reaction.

* 76%, Survey conducted between 12 - 15 October 2012 by YouGov Plc from a sample size of 2,053 UK adults


What is an Allergy Alert Test?


Performing an Allergy Alert Test involves putting a small amount of hair colorant on a small area of skin, according to the manufacturer's instructions, before you plan to colour your hair. This has to be done 48 hours before you plan to colour your hair because it can take that long for any potential reactions to appear, so if you cut corners, you risk missing a reaction.

'Black henna' temporary tattoos


So-called 'black henna' temporary tattoos are popular with holidaymakers, with one in ten of us having had one in the past**. However, there is no such thing as 'black henna' and they can cause blistering and scarring. What's more, they may lead you to develop an allergy which means you can never colour your hair again.


Find out more about 'black henna' and why to avoid it here.

**9% of UK adults answered 'yes' when asked if they had had a temporary 'black henna tattoo. Polling conducted by YouGov Plc.

Top Stylist Tips


President of the National Hairdressers' Federation (NHF) and celebrity hair stylist, Mark Coray, has joined forces with the CTPA to front Colour With Confidence, a campaign to encourage everyone to perform an Allergy Alert Test every time they colour their hair.

Watch Mark's how-to video on how to get your hair party-ready and read other top tips from the industry's key stylists here.

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